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 Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009

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Messaggi : 1
Data di iscrizione : 11.03.09

Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009   Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009 Icon_minitimeMer Mar 11, 2009 2:03 am

10 Marzo 2009

Core Fixes:

1) Scourge Gryphon: Makes it so when you talk to the NPC, it will fly you from Acherus <-> Death's Breach like it should be doing.

2) Logic issues related to looting and typos

3) Added + corrected missing checks to loot

4) On retail all your cooldowns are reset as well all your auras are removed when you exit the arena

5) ADDED:PvP token system.Remember to set PvPToken="1" PvPTokenID="<id>" in the arcemu-optional.conf

6) FIXED: AddItemToFreeSlot will now increase stack count if possible instead of adding to a new slot.

7) Guild bank gold limit now 1.844.674.407.370.955g 16s 15c

Cool Fixed some item stacking stuff

9) FIXED: AddItemToFreeSlot will now increase stack count if possible instead of adding to a new slot.

10) ADDED:PvP token system.Remember to set PvPToken="1" PvPTokenID="<id>" in the arcemu-optional.conf

11) ADDED: working directory correctly set , you can now debug using f5

12) NOTE: SQL file to update guilds table is in the character_updates folder, information added to the db updater

13) DISABLED: PvPToken.cpp due to feature already being fixed.

14) FIXED: GetBankBalance now returns uint64.done with guild bank stuff.

15) FIXED: Guildbank gold withdraw exploit

16) TEMP FIX: Druid Tree of life form - 6% bonus healing party aura needs more work.

17) ADDED: .guild join command.usage: .guild join <guild name> - auto promotes to highest rank.

18) FIXED: /gpromote /gdemote and /gremove exploits.

19) ADDED: .guild join command.usage: .guild join <guild name> - auto promotes to highest rank.

20) FIXED: /gpromote /gdemote and /gremove exploits.

21) FIXED: cleaned up some guild bs.

22) FIXED: Improved Counterspell

23) FIXED: Heroic Throw deals damage

24) FIXED: Heroic Fury now refreshes intercept

25) FIXED: Shockwave now deals damage

26)ADDED: Cannot kill player after duel ends

27) ADDED: WPE dupe hack fix

28) FIXED: Warlock Healthstones Tranquility & Lifebloom Fix

DB Fixes:

- Remade playercreateinfo racials.

- Delete duplicate recial for Death Knights.

- Updated / Added entries for creature_class_stats table

- Deleting M'uru spawn from Silvermoon City - he was removed with release of 2.4.0 patch

- Dalaran City portal fixes

- Fix for Naxxramas coord ports and quest requiremnt.

- Fix for utgarde keep, ports coords.

- Fixed paladin aura's new ranks train

- Added_disenchanting loot entries to WOTLK epics.

- Removed custom item

- Remade Darnassus (creature spawns, creature movement, gameobject spawns, creature equipment, creature template, creature gossip, gameobject templates)

Stiamo attualmente lavorando ad alcune spell DK e particolarmente ad un talento disponibile in 5 rank differenti per la classe shamano che attualmente non è possibile aggiungere alla spec: Shamanism.

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.:: Raizor ::.

Messaggi : 190
Data di iscrizione : 26.11.08

Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009   Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009 Icon_minitimeMer Mar 11, 2009 4:46 pm

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Fix Database/Core effettuati e attualmente in rigore in data 10 Marzo 2009
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