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 Fix DataBases

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2 partecipanti

Messaggi : 7
Data di iscrizione : 25.02.09

Fix DataBases Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Fix DataBases   Fix DataBases Icon_minitimeVen Feb 27, 2009 9:38 am

-Fixed Attack Power: Raw Attack Power stat on items adds up to your total Attack Power now.
-Fixed Water Elemental duration
-Started implementing aura 227 (Used by Mind Flay, Siege Turrets 'Machine gun' and a few other spells.)
-Npcs with unattackable flag, will no longer attack.
-Heirloom items will now work. The stats, damages, armor will scale and apply.
-Added itemstatscount, and existingduration in items.
-Removed debuff from Blood fury, by asdflair
-Transports fix
-Added preliminary support for SOTA battleground
-Achievement inspect packet improved (don't send unneeded info)
-Fixed memory leak from not deleting battlegrounds and arenas
-Eyes of the Beast - should cancel aura correctly now
-Neutral guards shouldn't attack you now, if you are victim and manage to dodge an attack
-Snake trap fix and cleanup
-SOTA gates and sigils are on the map now
-Temporary fix to prevent mage/warlock/priest characters from being saved with arrows or bullets in ranged slot, since it messes up wand shoot.
-Some dungeons require level 70 (not all of them 80) to enter
heroic mode.
-SOTA - Fixed crash-on-exit
-Stop priests, mages, warlocks from equipping ammo since it messes up wand shoot ability
-Stop shaman, druid, deathknight, paladin from equipping ammo since they don't get bow/crossbow/gun ability and shouldn't get ammo either.
-Some improvements on Pets
-Added optional in-game unstuck and revive, with a variable cooldown rate
-fixed a bug which causedheirloom items to cancel out each others' stats.
-Added Quest emote support.
- Fixed Dancing Rune Weapon
- Fixed Raise Dead
- Fixed Army of the Dead
- Fixed Feral Spirit
- Fixed Death Grip
-fix ranged weapons (bow/gun) that require no ammo
-First of a series of improvements to the arena / battleground system
-Spell hash updates as of the 3.0.9 spells dbc file
-Fix for enchantment scrolls
-updated SMSG_ARENA_TEAM_ROSTER to 3.0.8, will fix the arena client crashes
-GameObject usage is now reported to achievement manager and
quest manager. Implemented use game object achievement type.
-Added ranks 5 and 6 of the resist totems for shamans
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.:: Raizor ::.
.:: Raizor ::.

Messaggi : 190
Data di iscrizione : 26.11.08

Fix DataBases Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Fix DataBases   Fix DataBases Icon_minitimeDom Mar 08, 2009 2:37 pm

Ultimi FIX 8/03/2009
- FIXED: Improved Counterspell
- FIXED: Heroic Throw deals damage
- FIXED: Heroic Fury now refreshes intercept
- FIXED: Shockwave now deals damage
- FIXED: Warlock Healthstones
- FIXED: Tranquility & Lifebloom
- ADDED: Cannot kill player after duel ends
- ADDED: WPE dupe hack fix
E tutte le mount ora funzionano inoltre tutte le quest sono state reinscritte e ora funzionano!
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.:: Raizor ::.
.:: Raizor ::.

Messaggi : 190
Data di iscrizione : 26.11.08

Fix DataBases Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Fix DataBases   Fix DataBases Icon_minitimeSab Mar 28, 2009 10:15 pm

New Database

Oggi 29/03/2009 è stato inserito un nuovo database con CENTINAIA di FIX Wink .......
La parte riguardante TBC è tutta completamente FIXATA....
Mentre per quanto riguarda la nuova espanzione WotLK bisogna lavorarci ancora un po su,ma i nostri Fixer/Scripter sono assolutamente i migliori Exclamation
Appena FIXATA anche la parte di WolTK potremo dire di aver raggiungo gli estremi della perfezione Wink

Per problemi postate in supporto Wink
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Fix DataBases Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Fix DataBases   Fix DataBases Icon_minitime

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